Baba Lab.
Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Nagoya University 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 生命分子工学専攻 馬場研究室



May 24, 2024

Prof. Y. Baba was elected as the Vice President of the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ).

馬場嘉信先生が、日本化学会 副会長に就任されました。

May 23, 2024

A paper on Identifying viral vector characteristics by nanopore sensing was accepted by ACS Nano.

有馬先生と東大医科研・岡田先生、阪大産研・川合先生、筒井先生、産総研・横田先生との共同研究成果が、ACS Nanoに採択されました。誠におめでとうございます。

Makusu Tsutsui, Mikako Wada, Akihide Arima, Yuji Tsunekawa, Takako Sasaki, Kenji Sakamoto, Kazumichi Yokota, Yoshinobu Baba, Tomoji Kawai, and Takashi Okada
Identifying viral vector characteristics by nanopore sensing
ACS Nano, 2024, in press

May 17, 2024

A paper on On-site stimulation of dendritic cells by cancer-derived extracellular vesicles on a core-shell nanowire platform was accepted by ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.

北海道大学・長島先生、東京大学・柳田先生、東京工業大学・安井先生との共同研究成果が、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfacesに採択されました。

Zhang, Min; Ono, Miki; Kawaguchi, Shota; Iida, Mikiko; Chattrairat, Kunanon; Zhu, Zetao; Nagashima, Kazuki; Yanagida, Takeshi; Yamaguchi, Junya; Nishikawa, Hiroyoshi; Natsume, Atsushi; Baba, Yoshinobu; Yasui, Takao
On-site stimulation of dendritic cells by cancer-derived extracellular vesicles on a core-shell nanowire platform
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, in press.


Apr 8, 2024

A paper on Discrimination of extracellular miRNA sources for the identification of tumor-related functions based on nanowire thermofluidics was accepted by Device (Cell Press).

大学院修了生のKunanon Chattrairat博士と名古屋大学医学部・横井先生、北海道大学・渡慶次先生、長島先生、東京大学・柳田先生、京都大学・長谷川先生、東京工業大学・安井先生との共同研究成果が、Device(Cell Press)に採択されました。誠におめでとうございます。

Kunanon Chattrairat, Akira Yokoi, Min Zhang, Mikiko Iida, Kosuke Yoshida, Masami Kitagawa, Ayuka Niwa, Masatoshi Maeki, Takeshi Hasegawa, Takeshi Yokoyama, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Yusuke Miyazaki, Wataru Shinoda, Manabu Tokeshi, Kazuki Nagashima, Takeshi Yanagida, Hiroaki Kajiyama, Yoshinobu Baba, and Takao Yasui
Discrimination of extracellular miRNA sources for the identification of tumor-related functions based on nanowire thermofluidics
Device (Cell Press), 2024, in press

Mar 15, 2024

Baba Conference 開催のご案内

最終講義を含むBaba Conferenceを2024年3月28日(木)に開催いたします。


多数のご参加をお待ちしております。(参加登録〆切 2024/3/15)

Mar 15, 2024

Prof. Baba will give an Invited Lecture on Nanobiodevices and Quantum Life Science for Future Medicine and Drug Discovery at the 144th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.

日本薬学会第144年会(横浜) 2024年3月30日

Mar 15, 2024

Prof. Baba will give a Special Lecture on Extracellular fine particles for elucidation of pathology at the 113th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology.

第113回日本病理学会総会(名古屋) 2024年3月29日

Mar 14, 2024

Prof. Baba will give a Special Lecture on Nanobiodevices and Quantum Life Science for Future Medicine at Baba Conference.

Baba Conference (名古屋) 2024年3月28日

Mar 14, 2024

Prof. Baba will give an Invited Lecture on Ultrahigh-sensitivity detection that exceeds that of living organisms at tbe104th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan.

日本化学会第104春季年会(千葉) 2024年3月20日

Mar 12, 2024

A paper on Urinary Dengue NS1 detection on Au-decorated ZnO nanowire platform was accepted by Biosens. Bioelec.

大学院生のKannika Sitthisuwannakulさんと北海道大学・長島先生、東京工業大学・安井先生との共同研究成果が、Biosens. Bioelec.に採択されました。誠におめでとうございます。

Kannika Sitthisuwannakul, Ratchanon Sukthai, Zetao Zhu, Kazuki Nagashima, Kunanon Chattrairat, Supranee Phanthanawiboon, Annop Klamchuen, Sakon Rahong, Yoshinobu Baba, and Takao Yasui
Urinary Dengue NS1 detection on Au-decorated ZnO nanowire platform
Biosens. Bioelec., 2024, in press

Mar 5, 2024

A paper on Microfluidic device for simple diagnosis of plant growth condition by detecting miRNAs from filtered plant extracts was accepted by Plant Phenomics (AAAS The Science Partner Journal).

有馬先生と京大理・野田口先生、東大理・東山先生との共同研究成果が、Plant Phenomicsに採択されました。誠におめでとうございます。

Yaichi Kawakatsu, Ryo Okada, Hiroyuki Tsutsui, Mitsuo Hara, Naoki Yanagisawa, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Akihide Arima, Yoshinobu Baba, Ken-ichi Kurotani, Michitaka Notaguchi
Microfluidic device for simple diagnosis of plant growth condition by detecting miRNAs from filtered plant extracts
Plant Phenomics (AAAS The Science Partner Journal), 2024, in press  DOI 10.34133/plantphenomics.0162

Mar 2, 2024

A paper on Near-infrared-II fluorescence/magnetic resonance double modal imaging of transplanted stem cells using lanthanide co-doped gadolinium oxide nanoparticles was accepted by Analytical Sciences.

湯川先生と名大工・鳴瀧先生との共同研究成果が、Anal. Sci.に採択されました。誠におめでとうございます。

Shota Yamada, Kaori Yamada, Ayae Sugawara-Narutaki, Yoshinobu Baba & Hiroshi Yukawa
Near-infrared-II fluorescence/magnetic resonance double modal imaging of transplanted stem cells using lanthanide co-doped gadolinium oxide nanoparticles
Anal. Sci., 2024, 40, DOI 10.1007/s44211-024-00507-9

Mar 1, 2024

Prof. Baba will give a Special Lecture on Nanobiodevices and Quantum Life Science for Future Medicine at HORIBA Co.

堀場製作所 (京都) 2024年3月14日

Feb 16, 2024

Prof. Baba will give a Special Lecture on Biomolecular Chemistry to Multimolecular Crowding Biosystems at Naoki Scientific Forum in the Special FIBER International Summit for Nucleic Acids.

Special FIBER International Summit for Nucleic Acids 特別企画 Naoki Scientific Forum ~NSF~ (神戸) 2024年3月2日

Jan 25, 2024

Prof. Baba will give an Invited Lecture on Quantum Life Science at Q-LEAP Symposium.

Q-LEAPシンポジウム(東京) 2024年2月8日

Jan 8, 2024

Prof. Baba will give a Lecture on Nanobiodevices and Quantum Life Science for Future Healthcare at Functional Chemistry Committee.

持続社会発展のための機能化学研究委員会(東京) 2024115